Attacks against Donald Trump — however vile — should be expected. After all, the militant left knows no boundaries when it comes to attacking the opposition. But now Barron Trump is coming under attack, and sadly, this isn’t the first time.
The youngest Trump was first attacked by an SNL writer who called Barron “this country’s first homeschool shooter” on inauguration day. Another liberal comedienne, Rosie O’Donnel, once openly questioned if Barron was autistic.
But the most gruesome attack against Barron wasn’t meant for him at all — it was meant for his father. When Kathy Griffin posed with a decapitated and bloodied depiction of Donald Trump, it wasn’t the president who was most disturbed, it was Barron, who reportedly screamed and thought the photo was real.
Griffin’s photo was met with near-universal condemnation, but that didn’t stop author Ken Jennings from attacking the grief-stricken child.
See what he said about Barron Trump’s trauma on the next page:
Just leave that little boy alone….bullies, all of you!
Boycott any and all material this so called Author writes and/or publishes. It is not worth reading anyway.
Ken Jennings professing to be wise you have become a fool.
Don’t buy his books. He’s a nut case like the “snow flakes”.
There is the stink of sedition, rebellion & treason in every corner of the democratic party. The party has become a threat to our republic. The democratic party has become a poison tree, and its fruit is tyranny. I am convinced that for the Democratic party there is NO LIE, NO DISTORTION OF THE TRUTH, NO HYPOCRISY, NO PERSONAL OR FAMILY ATTACK THAT IS TOO VILE FOR THEM. When they have the upper hand they will change the rules to suit their purpose, and then whine like the dogs they are when these same changes are used against them. They will intimidate and attack anyone or any group that stands up to them, they have used the IRS as an attack dog against groups opposing them. And they will use or condone mob violence as it suits them. They have read and commonly use the Saul Alinsky playbook to destabilize the Republic. They have become what our founding fathers warned us against: A political party so agenda driven that it becomes antithetical to the liberties which we enjoy as Americans, liberties purchased and protected by the blood of patriots. They need to be brought to account. I accuse the democratic party, its hired agents and provocateurs, and its sycophantic media, of being in open rebellion against the lawful exercise of Constitutional powers and duties by the duly elected president of the United States of America and his administration. I consider the actions of the democratic party to be RANK TREASON. I believe that the democratic party will not be satisfied until there is open civil war, and our Republic is torn apart. God bless our great Republic, and confound her enemies both foreign and domestic. Patriots, look to your powder, if these sons of bitches want a civil war I say let’s give it to them!
Wouldn’t buy one of his books. He thinks he can appeal to children?
It is amazing to me how adults (well supposedly, anyway) bash this young man! Grow up you twits!
Writing Children’s books? What does he write? Books/stories influence the young mind. A writer’s morals, ethics AND attitude come through in these writings. I will not advocate the purchase of Ken Jennings books. If his ‘tweet’ was to bring attention to his books, it makes the attack even sicker.
This guy writes children’s books? No way!
He is sharing what hate looks like! Tragic!