Attacks against Donald Trump — however vile — should be expected. After all, the militant left knows no boundaries when it comes to attacking the opposition. But now Barron Trump is coming under attack, and sadly, this isn’t the first time.
The youngest Trump was first attacked by an SNL writer who called Barron “this country’s first homeschool shooter” on inauguration day. Another liberal comedienne, Rosie O’Donnel, once openly questioned if Barron was autistic.
But the most gruesome attack against Barron wasn’t meant for him at all — it was meant for his father. When Kathy Griffin posed with a decapitated and bloodied depiction of Donald Trump, it wasn’t the president who was most disturbed, it was Barron, who reportedly screamed and thought the photo was real.
Griffin’s photo was met with near-universal condemnation, but that didn’t stop author Ken Jennings from attacking the grief-stricken child.
See what he said about Barron Trump’s trauma on the next page:
How would you like if it was you are your family member be attacked. Unforgivable.
This man writes children’s books???
Sick bastard and he writes children’s books won’t buy it
He looks friggin creepy to me anyway something wrong with that man, might be a pedophiler….. Like the subway guy Jared….
Diane V Edelen Shewmaker Were you appalled at dee a noose around the neck of a mannican of Obama. –WTH are you trying to say…ROFL. Just like a stupid liberal. So brainwashed they can’t understand when people try to tell them we were upset and condemned the person who did it to obozo as well.. we demanded he be fired but not only was he fired he was banned from being a clown in rodeo across the country. but you bloody libs hadn’t banned this witch for what she did . I bet you would go see her tomorrow if she was playing near you..Being a sick o is not divided by party lines and anyone who agrees with it is just as sick as who ever does the nasty deed.. Would you bring out a bloody head of your granddaughters father without explaining it was f**e. I doubt it..
He should be boy cotted his books anyone that puts a child in the governments business has no common sense hes a child creep
It’s not going to be easy to drain the swamp. It is established, slimy and full of vipers who are going to fight to keep the spigot open (they know they have a lot to loose). And they will get as nasty as it takes.
Write his publisher and encourage them to drop him.
Boycott his books and the Publisher!