Attacks against Donald Trump — however vile — should be expected. After all, the militant left knows no boundaries when it comes to attacking the opposition. But now Barron Trump is coming under attack, and sadly, this isn’t the first time.
The youngest Trump was first attacked by an SNL writer who called Barron “this country’s first homeschool shooter” on inauguration day. Another liberal comedienne, Rosie O’Donnel, once openly questioned if Barron was autistic.
But the most gruesome attack against Barron wasn’t meant for him at all — it was meant for his father. When Kathy Griffin posed with a decapitated and bloodied depiction of Donald Trump, it wasn’t the president who was most disturbed, it was Barron, who reportedly screamed and thought the photo was real.
Griffin’s photo was met with near-universal condemnation, but that didn’t stop author Ken Jennings from attacking the grief-stricken child.
See what he said about Barron Trump’s trauma on the next page:
What a nasty, evil, mean person you are Ella. I would think at your age and with your “supposed” intelligence, you would have a little more compassion for a child. And you’re a GRANDMOTHER???? So am I, and I would be appalled if my grandchildren ever saw anything like this! Obama’s daughters should never have had to see their father hanged in effigy, but it wasn’t a bloody head! There’s a huge difference, which you would know if you were even HALF as intelligent as you think you are. You’re just a horrible person, and I feel sorry for your ganddaughter. Every child deserves a decent, loving grandmother.
Boycott, Boycott, Boycott and boycott Simon and Schuster!
Ella Jernigan, first of all, threatening any president with assassination is wrong. The children of presidents have to live every day with the idea that someone would kill their dad. He’s not the president to them, just dad. This image was vile and wrong and you know it. You know it because you also think the attack on Obama was wrong. You do know that Obamas girls are “rich girls” right? Trump is not against immigrants and I think you know that too. Stop stirring$#%&!@* The lies are starting to smell
Hey Ella your comment/ post has gotten
zero likes! Do you want to know why? It is because your comment is disgusting, vile, putrid, UnAmerican, and Satan driven! So far no one… And I mean no one has agreed with your vile comment that should tell you something if you were not such a nasty hateful woman
And he writes children’s books??????
The best part of Ken Jennings ran down his mom’s chin.
Were you appalled at dee a noose around the neck of a mannican of Obama. You condoned that but a head of a mannican of Trump is awful . I’m sorry he is 11 and Obama’s daughter was 9. Grow up. He does not even need to leave his golden cloud if he can’t tell the difference in the truth and a false. Keep him locked up.
Maybe its time to contact this Ken Jennings Publisher.And this guy writes children’s books,but has the balls to treat a child this way.
Simon&Schuster.com is his publisher.The phone number is {212}315-2673.Let’s all say hello.
Hey Ella why do you think you only have one like on your comment? Well let me explain it to you like I would to an 11-year-old .. your comment is nasty , stinky , hateful and disgusting and is being mean to little boys because you are a bully! Was that simple enough for you to understand with your limited intelligence!
I AM SO DISGUSTED WITH YOU.I’M PRAYING YOU FALL SO FLAT ON YOUR SMUG FACE,,attacking a child !!What kind of children’s books do you write” is one titled ” Ken,the giant child abuser “” Or,The Man who really didn’t like children,” Bet your own children are scared to death of you.YOU’RE A BULLY.