A woman in Essex, England has had her baby forcibly removed from her womb by caesarean section by social workers.
Social services obtained a court order to do so because they claimed she suffered a mental breakdown.
The woman is Italian and was visiting England to attend a training course with an airline.
She is on medication for a bi-polar disorder and apparently suffered a panic attack when she failed to take her medication.
Now, the court has ruled that the child be placed into adoption because of the risk that she might suffer a relapse.
Why should the forcible taking of an unborn child by “social services” be surprising, although it is a reprehensible action!! That country is England, which is thoroughly socialized, medicine & “social services” in England. That is what will happen in the US, if we allow Obama to socialize healthcare, the “social services” will also interfere with reproductive rights. This is what happened in Germany in the 1930’s, and their socialist government, the Nazi party, eventually “socialized” six million Jews and more millions of Christians so they would have the nation they wanted. If we allow it to happen in the US, THIS type of action will happen. Socializing means we WILL LOSE OUR FREEDOMS!
I agree.