Michigan Child Protective Services (CPS) sent a police SWAT team, equipped with an armored vehicle, to seize a girl from her home because her mother refused to give the teenager an anti-psychotic drug.
Even though the drug she was prescribed, Risperdal, made her “horribly ill, aggressive and violent,” Michigan CPS still insisted that the girl continue on the drug to the point where they sent in a SWAT team to seize the girl.
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They will seize all in the future
No not crazy —-$#%&!@*s elected Communists to run our Gov’t….
You do not own any one! It is again the law to own a person. It is also again the law to you force to still a child. That is kidnapping. No matter how you feel if they are not beating are sexually abusing the child you have no say in how that child is raised.
Doesn’t seem to be much here to be proud of anymore
THEN WHY have they not seized the child that two lesbians have and are forcing to take hormones so they can turn him into a girl. He is 11 years old and they are feeding him hormonal drugs to arrest his male development. He is adopted and they call it parenting to make this child do that? That is the kind of ignorance going on in California!
this needs to stop, a drug a child does not need who the hell is going to stop this crazy goverment,
every member of that swat team should head their communistic heads in shame. [p**s on them it’s $#%&!@*s like that who inspire no respect for the police forces.
Damn sure wasn’t the state that was feeding,clothing,bad taking them to school everyday and as for owning me last time i check this was,still America land of the,free