Michigan Child Protective Services (CPS) sent a police SWAT team, equipped with an armored vehicle, to seize a girl from her home because her mother refused to give the teenager an anti-psychotic drug.
Even though the drug she was prescribed, Risperdal, made her “horribly ill, aggressive and violent,” Michigan CPS still insisted that the girl continue on the drug to the point where they sent in a SWAT team to seize the girl.
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GOT TYRANNY ??? A.K.A. Democrat policies !!!
the hell they do ! these imbociles need to get a life , and need to be put in prison permanently !!
Go out in the jungle and see how it is for you
I feel like I fell asleep in America and woke up in Nazi Germany
Hopefully it was a liberal democrat who got owned by the cps
yep going to see a lot more of this
That is so screwed up. It seems like parents have no rights at all anymore.
Those drugs are dangerous and to this day, they have no idea what the long term effect is on a child. My fear for this child is that she will end up with having more problems than she does now. No one in the government should have a right to do this to a child. What if she dies or commits suicide because the meds are so horrible or like some drugs, tend to have higher rates of suicide. They are NOT doctors or have any training so how can they do this?