Michigan Child Protective Services (CPS) sent a police SWAT team, equipped with an armored vehicle, to seize a girl from her home because her mother refused to give the teenager an anti-psychotic drug.
Even though the drug she was prescribed, Risperdal, made her “horribly ill, aggressive and violent,” Michigan CPS still insisted that the girl continue on the drug to the point where they sent in a SWAT team to seize the girl.
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If that drug made the kid sick. It should have been changed to something that would not cause problems. Looking at this message. Heil Obama
its been this way for years they have total control
Green party is same don.Land grab lies using species and resources.
How stupid can these idiots be
If you don’t like this VOTE REPUBLICAN
This is why I refer to CPS as the Gestopo
Ignorant A$$es!!! Get a life…
Too late to get me, my kids are grown and I taught them to never trust any government entity, ever. They hate being treated like sheep as I do and as my parents did.
this is our gov. at work no one is safe
They think they do, but I despise communists.