Michigan Child Protective Services (CPS) sent a police SWAT team, equipped with an armored vehicle, to seize a girl from her home because her mother refused to give the teenager an anti-psychotic drug.
Even though the drug she was prescribed, Risperdal, made her “horribly ill, aggressive and violent,” Michigan CPS still insisted that the girl continue on the drug to the point where they sent in a SWAT team to seize the girl.
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People OF the government.
The Sands of Time are running out. We cannot wait for the 2016 elections to take back control of our White House. We must end this smudge that defies what America is for what she stands. Get the Democrats out of Government.
Trust me, these are the very worst of the busy body’s. We appealed our case, it was over turned and our kids were to be returned in 30 days. So far the Judge in the town I live in has not ordered it. These people are absolutely scum, they are not working in your best interest!
government is getting way to big and the socialist ways need to be toned way back they seem to think we the people need them in every thing … here’s a clue<<>> I’m a big boy– I pay my bills– work– owe nobody and sure don’t need their grubby mitts in my business<<>> the need a strong reminder who they work for
I don’t think so!
every one involved with the removal of that child deserves …….. well I cant say it. I don’t want the so called cops knocking on my door.
When did we become Nazi Germany oh ya 6yrs ago
I’m not one to be pushed I’ll do an investigaton on who ever same as a quiz & I don t fale so I can except a stalemate !!!
Hate CPS!
Sick!! There has got to be other things that might help this child instead of drugs! Go away CPS!