Michigan Child Protective Services (CPS) sent a police SWAT team, equipped with an armored vehicle, to seize a girl from her home because her mother refused to give the teenager an anti-psychotic drug.
Even though the drug she was prescribed, Risperdal, made her “horribly ill, aggressive and violent,” Michigan CPS still insisted that the girl continue on the drug to the point where they sent in a SWAT team to seize the girl.
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well that will never happen.. i am and will never be owned by anyone or anything.. I will not let that happen..ever..
Conservatives are aliens
You already are you just have not woke up yet .the gov tells you what you can and will do are far as taxes,healthcare ,getting to where there telling people where to live .
what the hells their problem…if we as parents don’t want our child to do something…then by God we as their parent has that right WTF?????
you unwittingly gave consent when you got your license to get married.
The more we awaken, The more we realize how enslaved we are..
Those bastards are nuts!!!
Still need an UNLIKE button
Anyone mess with my child,my grandchildren ..they will pay.
Does a cold day in hell mean anything ?