Most who are reading this article, did in fact play outside, without one’s parents watching, for hours at a time and survived, therefore this story seems counter to our own experience. When we were alone, neighbors kept an eye on us, for our parents, and vice versa, as it was the “Good Samaritan” response.
The neighbors who turned in Sonya Hendren and her son Tomahawk because he was playing outside without her right there, claiming they had his best interest in mind.
Today, as demonstrated by this story, the neighbors did not help the mom out, by watching or voicing their concern to her, but rather placed a call that resulted in a criminal record and a traumatized child.
Hendren believes she’s being criticized for her free-range parenting style and prides herself on being a mother.
“Of course I love him, I do everything for him. I breastfed for 28 months. I cloth-diapered, you know, obviously I’m avoiding helicopter parenting. I”m doing everything,” Hendren said.
Tomahawk said his mom means everything to him.
“I love her like 20 times … Maybe a thousand,” Tomahawk said.
According to Hendren’s attorney, she could face a maximum penalty of six months in jail and three years probation.
He said she was offered a reduced sentence of 30 days in jail and one year probation, but she rejected it.
Source: Fox 40