In the aftermath of the recent shooting in Colorado Springs by a crazed, old loner who lived in a shack without electricity or running water, President Obama seized on the tragedy not to mourn with the families of the victims, but instead to push one of his favorite topics, gun control.
Almost before the victims bodies were cold and anything was known about the shooter, Obama was already calling for additional background checks, limitations on the types of guns that should be allowed, and declaring “enough is enough!” And make no mistake, when Obama and the left call for greater gun control, they are talking about gun confiscation, not more accurate shooting.
But because facts to a liberal are like kryptonite is to Superman, Obama and his acolytes never mention what the effect is of turning towns and states into “gun-free” zones. In fact, it turns out that those are the very locations that criminals can be relatively certain they can act out their violent deeds without being confronted by armed citizenry who are able to stop the violence. Let’s take a look at one city that has very strict gun control laws and see if less crime and violence would be the likely outcome if extended to the rest of the nation.
Major city utilizing gun control to quell violence, page 2
But hey it’s safe cause it’s gun free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe they need to put up bigger signs
Isn’t that where Obama is from
Go Chicago dirtbags.
When they are arrested for gun violations in Chicago, even though they are already on probation, libereal Judges set them fred on probation, while they are already on probation! Shows gun control does not work, only criminals have guns in Chicago!
and highest murder rate …
Should be called criminal free zone
I heard that the rock group Chicago just renamed their band “Hoboken.”
SCREW his moslims and him and the ILLEGALS and his Refugees… It’s time to Realize what most of the WORLD knows = obummer is WORSE then any President we have EVER had ! obummers Legacy = obummer is the BIGGEST and WORST FAILURE this country has EVER had but that’s all you an expect when a bunch of IGNORANT / Brain Dead / MORONS put an ILLEGAL ALIEN / moslim Traitor in the White House..
So this idiot uses this to push our gun control instead of blaming his jungle bunny friends.