This week, Donald Trump had to cancel a campaign planned in Chicago moments before it began due to threats of violence from a mob formed outside of the venue. In any other world, the unruly, violent mob would be universally condemned. This is Trump’s world, though, and somehow he’s being blamed for the violence threatened against him and his supporters.
This should come as no surprise coming from the country’s liberal media and their mindless consumers. For them, free speech is no longer a cherished right, but a burdensome nuisance that allows people to do such awful things as express themselves and present opposing viewpoints. No, no. There can’t be any of that in the party of safe spaces and political correctness.
In fact, the suppression of free speech has basically been cheered and encouraged for years from the country’s leftist politicians, and this week’s events are the proof.
It is those very politicians and their pals in the news business that have accused Trump of purposefully perpetuating violence with his so-called violent rhetoric and racist commentary. The problem is, the racist, fascist Trump narrative is a creation of the liberal media, not the candidate himself. It’s the media that suggests that Trump wants to “Make America White Again,” it’s CNN that’s saying on-air that Trump will bring back internment camps and suspend habeas corpus, and even Glenn Beck is suggesting that Trump is the next Hitler.
That is the rhetoric that’s to blame for the Trump-focused violence that’s being cheered this week by the media. It is not a problem of Trump’s creation. This is a creation of a biased, sensationalist media out for blood.
And now that their words have stuck a chord with the more mindless, fact-free political activists of the world, they’re rooting for their cause. They’re not only gleeful that Trump’s right to speech and assembly has been taken from him, but they’ve got the audacity to ask Trump to apologize for his detractors’ actions.
Of course, they’re not going to let Trump get away with this without dragging the other GOP candidates through the mud, and now they are being asked to condemn Trump’s rhetoric as well.
See how they responded on the next page:
Obama wants martial law
Another thug
The Media is the problem! Report truth hot B******t! The real problem is the unwashed people who want everything for free,& have never worked for anything!
Hang the punk
Not trump it’s the idiots that go there to protest and looking to riot. Grow up and go rally for who you want. Stop this s**t
This is the liberals propaganda machine incited by the likes of Jesse and Al. We know how all that works………
Now wait a minute.. Trump has called for violence from his own supporters!
Donald Trump –
November 22, “Maybe he should have been roughed up . . . “
February 1 – “If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the c**p out of them, just knock the hell out of them. I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees.”
February 23 – “I’d like to punch him in the face, I tell ya.”
“I love the old days. You know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They’d be carried out on a stretcher, folks.”
Here’s what Cruz said!
” … in any campaign responsibility starts at the top,” said Cruz, after saying violence has no place in political contests. “Any candidate…is responsible for the culture of the campaign. And when you have a campaign that disrespects the voters, when you have a campaign that affirmatively encourages violence, when you have a campaign that is facing allegations of physical violence against members of the press, you create an environment that only encourages this sort of nasty discourse.”
“I think a campaign bears responsibility for creating an environment,” Cruz added. “When the candidate urges supporters to engage in physical violence, to punch people in the face. The predicable consequence of that is that it escalates. And today is unlikely to be the last such instance. That is not how our politics should occur.”
I agree! This is why I can not support Trump! He is so divisive, and his rhetoric is over the top of civility!
Why do have to choose extremes? Obama was an extreme, and Trump is an extreme! Hillary will win with those thugs!
Now wait a minute.. Trump has called for violence from his own supporters!
Donald Trump –
November 22, “Maybe he should have been roughed up . . . “
February 1 – “If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the c**p out of them, just knock the hell out of them. I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees.”
February 23 – “I’d like to punch him in the face, I tell ya.”
“I love the old days. You know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They’d be carried out on a stretcher, folks.”
This is the way they have chosen to slow Trumps forward movement. Violence and fear. this is trully a hate crime.