The United States is losing its mind and the liberal states are the first to go! This transgender-hysteria that has possessed the progressive autocrats in Chicago is now threatening children if they use the wrong pronoun or name when referring to a transgender students or employees.
Rosangela DeAzevedo Do not get fooled. Obama is gay, always was. Frank Marshall got him into it. Obama is member Gay Vip in Chicago, goes to Lindsey Graham gay bar. Michelle n Obama r married do he could have a family to show, the girls are not theirs either! Michelle is Michael Robinson n went to college on Football tuition, she was a line backer
What happened to Freedom of Speech? Find another school.
April Baker Exactly …. like I said.. MENTAL ISSUES .. hehehe
No sir man made identity Male or female anything else you are living a lie
Time for God to wipe slate clean start over, America has become prevented nation.
How very effective their NLP mind control is for sleeple people…!!!
More white trash disrespectful retards.
There is no one that can force you to do anything of the kind. You make up your mind to do except it are not.
Obamas children