The United States is losing its mind and the liberal states are the first to go! This transgender-hysteria that has possessed the progressive autocrats in Chicago is now threatening children if they use the wrong pronoun or name when referring to a transgender students or employees.
CaptJack Bonnell What if she has an addadicktome?
You might be right!
It’s Chicago folks!! What did you expect. No one can make you say anything. They are moronic assholes who are suffering from a deep rooted psychosis.. The govt. should get them treatment. Problem solved!!
America is in more peril than we can possibly imagine. Many great societies have risen and fallen over the centuries. The common thread between them is that their decline started with the moral decay manifested by the open embrace of homosexuality on a societal level. I have seen this in America, and it has accelerated exponentially in my lifetime. Less than 2% of the population has elevated homosexuality from a mark of shame to a badge of honor. They have even changed our lexicon by replacing the descriptive word homosexual with the perverted use of the word “gay”. The homosexual community is forcing their way into every aspect of the American culture. From bullying private enterprises out of business to dictating the public school curriculum and indoctrinating our children in their perverted and unnatural life style. From forcing “gender neutral” restrooms, which only affords perverts opportunity to ply their practice, to the perversion of declaring gender identity to be more important than sexual privacy. I can think of nothing more devoid of thought or common sense than that. Almost daily, we are accosted with another mind numbing perversion of the natural order of human sexuality and decency. This time it’s demanding transgender pronouns. We are teetering on the precipice in imminent danger of going over the edge and plummeting into the abyss of moral bankruptcy. Homosexuality is a life style, not an immutable characteristic such as skin color or ethnicity Therefor homosexuals can not honestly claim minority status. There is no justification for homosexuality, either normally, naturally, logically, or spiritually. We must return to GOD’s standard of sexuality before we go down the same path of social destruction as the others before us. If we do not learn from the mistakes of history, we are doomed to repeat them.
When Nations Die
sick and dying world.
You can’t change your gender. Transgenderism is a mental illness.
O’s war on women
Read the artical the kids were told to call the mutants z h e
Don’t think they add a$#%&!@*tell senior year