During Obama’s speech regarding ISIS last night, it seems that many picked up on the decor behind him that gave the appearance of horns coming out of his head.
The proof is in the drapery…Obama is actually a reindeer!
No, he’s an idiot and a crooked Muslim. There’s good and bad in all, whatever color or nationality. He’s not good. He cares more about vacations than he does our country.
Looks more like a crown to me..which is fitting since he acts like a king/dictator
You know that Obama is a.muslim and doesn’t believe in the United States
Damian Knox
ohhh geez,I am no way an Obarfa fan,but this post is silly,in these days and times we need to stick to truth and reality, smh
the crooked pin bugs the hell outta me
It was published in the ny times
With the horns
that is funny
No, he’s an idiot and a crooked Muslim. There’s good and bad in all, whatever color or nationality. He’s not good. He cares more about vacations than he does our country.