In what must be one of the most blatant acts of hypocrisy, Chicago, the city with incredibly strict gun laws, is the recipient of guns from the U.S. government. And these firearms don’t go to law-abiding citizens, but rather to criminal gangs. It just doesn’t get much crazier than that.
We’re all familiar with “Fast and Furious,” the gun-running operation conducted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms that was used to arm gangs in Mexico. That’s just one example of federal government agencies putting firearms, in many cases fully automatic firearms, in the hands of criminals.
Surprised? Let’s take a look at the history of gun-running by U.S. officials on the following page:
Yeah. Im gonna need more proof than the hear-say testimony of a gang member and as a journalist, you should too.
You sit tight dude and wait for your “proof” I suppose you think this man was hired and paid to say this. As a journalist YOU should look outside THE BOX! If you continue to stay boxes in you will continue to seek proof. The old saying ” can’t see the forest for the trees” is my proof of your lethargic display of common sense. Listen again this time step outside the box open your mind.
This is interesting however; the drop off part is far fetched due to the fact the game is about money at the end of the day, yes wiping out these poor black communities is part of the conspiracy but I don’t think crates of guns and keylo’s of drugs are just being dropped in the alleyways because somebody will be losing big time, young thugs from the hoods make the easy connect to where anything is obtainable underground, we have dirty politicians, dirty cops, curupt judges that’s all on the payroll. I don’t doubt deadly weapons of mass destruction are on the streets of Chicago but crate loads set in alleys before dawn is insane, we have a bunch of renegades with no organization out on the streets making big deals and with what was once just the gang bangers being able to get their hands on dangerous weapons and drugs is open market to any grade school kid and wanna be rapper based on no leadership or structure within the negative system, they just assume killing up one another which is almost what the doctor ordered. The carnage in Chicago is custom made for the ignorance of a fatherless generation due to the strict drug laws that have a large percentage of black males incarcerated and single mothers hooked on crack, now it’s dog eat dog.
This happened during Obama’s reign of terror
must be a dumbocrat, always blaming someone else.
Apparently not enough lol
A ridiculous claim by a gang member trying to bring problems to the Trump W.H. No evidence or facts just an opinion to start trouble!
Cresenda Jones
Obama was doing that. This is old.
Do they need any bullets?