You would think that being arrested for drug possession and being the primary suspect in a murder case would torpedo anybody’s chances of holding public office, much less getting re-elected, but this was not the case for Robert “Coop” Battle, an East Chicago 3rd District Councilman.
Already under scrutiny by the police for a traffic stop earlier this year in which he was found to be carrying 73 pounds of marijuana and more than $100,000 in his car, Battle finds himself under investigation for the October 12th shooting death of Reimundo Camarillo Jr, with police believing him to be the culprit.
Turn to the next page to see how Battle managed to win re-election:
Americans voted for obama… I still can’t believe that, it’s hard to comprehend. When he first ran for office I did not vote for him and his change… I couldn’t get past the name Barack Hussein. .
That’s Obama’s kind of guy
Shitcargo?, isn’t that the Obama duos stomping ground?
of course he won he’s black had he lost and been tossed in prison for the rest of his life where he belongs every thug and gangbanger in chicago would’ve burned that city to the ground would be furgerson all over again……………….
It what makes Chicargo Obama’s town.
That’s Obama land
What has become of the African race, in 152 years, 6 months, and 5 days, since the signing of the 1863 Emancipation Proclamation?
African societies fail to look at their own roots for their problems. In the past couple of days in Chicago, ten blacks shot, and another 12 are dead! Remember, this is Oboma’s model city !
Their society as a whole fails to come to terms, with the consequences that has confronted them, for century’s.
Slavery is common and oldest trade known to mankind. All races were subject to servitude or slavery and every civilizations has practiced it: China, India, Arabs, Africa and in the Americas.
All peoples have made slaves of their own and of their neighbors. White Europeans are no exception; Julius Caesar, enslaved one million White Gauls, for the Roman Empire.
Muslims were and are perhaps the world’s biggest enslavers, an estimated 19 million people becoming the victims of Islamic slavery. According to Allah, if your a female over the age of ( 3 ) that’s three years old, you must be raped before they mercy kill you, like set you on fire, hang you or slit your throat.
In 1522 the Portuguese bring the first African Slaves to North America content into modern day Portico.
In 1626, a British settlement in Jamestown, VA established the first commercial tobacco crop, with the help of twenty new African slaves, purchased from Florida’s trade port.
In 1640, Colonial North American Slave trade begins.
Get this all the Democratic Blue states in 1641; Massachusetts is the first colony to legalize slavery, then Connecticut, Rhode Island, Virginia, New York, New Hampshire, New Jersey.
What will become of the inner city dysfunctional black race who’s unwilling to become a productive member of our society.
We all receive the same dysfunctional education, but most people get engaged, and excel from the public school system and make their children’s lives better than they had it.
The Black Clergy cry “Black Lives Matter!”
What is it about the inner city black that allows Government Agencies, like Planned Parenthood ( PP) to butcher 5 mil black babies and they say nothing.
What truly amazing is the Black Caucus allows PP to make millions off of their dead black babies who mattered ?
What is it about the inner city black that loots and burns their own homes and businesses ?
Highest crime rate and murder rate, go figure.
You can thank Obama for that.
The ungodly voted him back in because they are just like him.