Once again, a Hollywood celebrity is attacking Donald Trump on Twitter using false accusations and pitiful character assignations. This time, they came from the 70-year-old Cher.
Cher’s husband Sonny Bono may have been a politically active Republican office-holder, but it seems his wife and counterpart has fallen far from the conservative tree. She may have taken a few whacks on the head on the way down, too, if her grammar is any indication.
Sure, Trump’s odd syntax and over-reliance on all-caps typing has come under criticism from some of his uppity counterparts, but Cher’s writing style is truly something to behold. Reckless emoji usage, constant capitalization, and pitiful punctuation are all hallmarks of the aging singer. Oh — and a liberal use of anti-Trump lies.
See what she said about Trump and Muslims on the next page — that is, if you can decipher her tweets:
Hey drug user number one stupid dumb a$$. Kiss the conservative a$$.
No way would we allow you to even get that close to us.
ok cher i know you didnt finish school but damn can you at least try to be smarter then a 5th grader MUSLIMS HATE ALL NON MUSLIMS AND NEWS FLASH THATS YOU TOO !!!!!!!
Cher is nothing but a has been she must need some attention so she can get back in the limelight
Maybe she didn’t notice, but Muslims hate her too. Is this a news flash?
If or when she sobers up she might realize it’s not just him that is a little skeptical of the filthy goat fuckers and their child molesting messiah!
Hey stupid, all Muslim hate America and Americans… Were you not here on 9/11??? Do you not listen when they say they hate us and want us all dead and that they will invade and take over America.???
Yeah, like we are really paying attention to you, Cher.
Once again, a celebrity voicing their stupid opinion as if their opinion means anything to the American people! They all need to shut up!! We couldn’t care less what their opinion is!!!!!