How are Cheney, Rothschild, and Fox News’ Murdoch, able to profit off of violating international law?
These investors in war have shown their true faces once again since the long list of publicity stunts stopped, such as donating to the needy, according to the Activist Post, that were planned in order to prepare for the backlash of criticism they are receiving now.
On the next page Justin Gardner describes the efforts made from these three men in order to exploit the war going on in Syria, and continue with their callous investment plans.
Even after a temporary restraining order was issued by the Israeli High Court in 2014 to halt the warmonger posse, it did not last long as moneyed interests won out, especially, because of prominent Israeli politician, Naftali Bennett, who has control over the desired Syrian territory.
Together these “war profiteers“ are managing to “challenge the world,“ exploit war, and reap the benefits of it all with no consequences in mind.
Read page 2 and find out what kind of havoc Syria is in for.
Th problem is that you gullible people actually believe this nonsense
God is watching you!
the bunch of old d//ks selling our country out
Cheney was caught before charging for way more food than our soldiers were getting (3x) and also over-charging by $1.00 per gallon for all the gas used by our military for tanks and trucks, etc. All these people just want to make trouble so they can make money off of wars. You would think they would have some kind of conscience about how any people are dying, but that doesn’t seem to phase anyone.
Murdoch supports Cruz
And Hillary’s buddy, Sydney Blumenthal, was exchanging emails with her about setting up businesses for all her buddies and family in war-torn Lybia….WHILE she was Sec of State….
These are 3 private business men, doing what business men do…, and Hillary is running for President with no accountablity for any of her actions.
oh course they are … they are setting up the world to embrace their NEW WORLD ORDER .. they have been strategically placing all their puppets in the right positions…obama has his, hillary has hers, etc.. the list goes on !!!!!!!!
This is why I don’t listen to Fox News any more – and I don’t trust the Government at all after seeing family suffer – I’m angered and wondering when Americans are going to make sure this stops for I WANT MY COUNTRY BACK. GOT THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pure evil