Chelsea Handler wants a brigade of thought police to arrest people who make racist jokes, according to a tweet she posted earlierĀ this week
The liberal TV host has never been shy about her political views — or anything, for that matter — but she sometimes at least tries to sound reasonable. Just last month, she hosted a conversation with Tomi Lahren at Politicon, a convention geared toward political junkies. The conversation was civil and Handler even begged the crowd to “shut up ” several times when they booed Lahren’s conservative points. Lahren managed to trip Handler up by asking her to name one of the lies Handler accused him of making “every day,” but it was otherwise a perfectly nice conversation.
But when Handler doesn’t have someone sitting next to her to keep her in check, she tends to let out the full extent of her craziness.
Her latest tweet wants people arrested forĀ a joke. See which jokes she wants to make illegal on the next page:
What do you call a black guy flying a plane?
It’s only whites who can’t say anything everyone else can say what they want. Only whites can be racists that’s what they say. CORRUPTION RUNS DEEP IN OUR GOVERNMENT AND MEDIA. ALL POLITICIANS AND MEDIA ARE CORRUPT LIARS ALL #TRUMP2020
Does that include profiling white people? What an idiot!
Freedom of speech only applies to YOU Chelsea but to not others? That’s essentially what you’re advocating!
The same Chelsea Handler who calls convicted pedophile jeffery epstein a close friend ?
I have a better idea! Arrest stupid people that don’t know what their talking about but whose careers are in the tank and will say anything to have their face back in the news.
You would be the first to be arrested. What an oxymoron you are.
Man , have you ever watched one of her shows??????? Not one who should be peddling this c**p!!!!
What ever happened to sticks and stones
Two blacks and a Mexican walk into a bar