There’s nothing like being in the right place at the right time . . . or in the case of Chelsea Clinton, being in born into the right family at the right time. In fact, she might be the very first person to ever launch a career off of being the first daughter. I guess it runs in the family, though. Just like how Hillary climbed the political ladder in the wake of her husband’s achievements, Chelsea climbed the fame ladder in the wake of her mother’s two attempts at securing the POTUS.
Now Chelsea is being honored for a far greater achievement. The only problem is, nobody really knows that achievement is. Though, it seems to merit a potentially prestigious award.
Find out what the award is for on the next page.
Where is black lives matter? Chelsea stole 300 million dollars from homeless Starving orphan who are black.
What an absolute joke! My puppy deserves an award for learning basic commands more so than she does.
woopie ding….participating doing what??
For what? Come on people. Her mommy and daddy got her the job she has making her $900,000 a year. She is never there anyway. REALLY
And she did what?
For what?
She finally gets her pink hat.! Good job .! Lol.!!
That is funnier than Amy Schumer.
What exactly has she done??? Participation trophy in sure!
Another trophy for showing up.