While some of Hillary Clinton’s early days as a liberal activist might be buried in history, her daughter’s story, as the only child of former President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary, is very well known. While her efforts to support her mother’s bid to win the presidency fell flat, she has continued undeterred as she works to stake out her own place in American politics. Does she harbor political ambitions of her own? It would not be surprising.
Her latest foray into the leftist political scene included her own daughter who is two. It also involved participation in a demonstration in New York City. More on page two.
insane bleeding heart much over nothing! the most violent religion in the world and they are crying crocodile tears?
I havent seen the news saying that the clintons have taken the fences/walls that are so bad down around there homes and invited the terrorist to live with them. I guess they only want the terrorist among us.
Maybe she could visit a catholic church and confess the sins of her family. Tgat would mean a hell of a lot of Hail Marys to say though so, nah.
Funny you say that,
But jews were established 1800 years beofre islam, the arch angel Gabrielle is a jewish angel who talked to the pedophile Mohammed,
Mohammad was told to leave the tribes of Israel which is why he rebelled,
Maybe knoe your history,
Islam and chirstians came from the jewish religion,
So, chels you going to put a little scarf over that daughters head; wear a little mouselim robe? How about letting a male marry her? Why don’t you let one of them babysit her? You’re one, huh? Where’s your scarf and what are you doing out on the street without your husband? Your mom let this happen too. Really should make you proud. Oh wait…maybe you can pray 5 times a day in prison! Guess you don’t have much to do now that you and your husband are out of work. LMAO
Mohammed talked to the jewish arch angle Gabrielle,
Its funny they hate jews becsuse theu kicked his pedophile$#%&!@*out which in turn he rebelled,
And came back with his followres which start the forever and never endin blood sheed between jews and Muslims.
Chelsea is a fool!!
chelsea was brought up with rape in her family ,no wonder she likes muslims so much. about the only ones who would go near her.
The prophet Mohammed talked to the arch angel Gabrielle after he was kicked out of the holy land established by the jews, angle Gabrielle is a jewish angel,
Islam branched off of the jewish religion, jewish religion was established 1800 years beofre Mohammed, kinda ironic how it played out.
When he left he came back with a new ideology and the jews wouldnnot except those horrors so he rewrote the jewish bible to fit his critera, he came back and started an holy war and it has never ended,
Most islamic people dont know that