Picture a man who believes that he is better than his peers. A man who believes that he is important enough to warrant special protection but that everyone else should be prohibited from taking even basic steps to protect themselves.
Such a man exists, and his name is Charlie Rangel.
A longtime Congressman from New York, Rangel has agitated on behalf of virtually every left-wing hobby horse since the 1970’s. He is pro-abortion, pro-open borders, and vehemently anti-Second Amendment.
Notice how I didn’t say he is anti-gun. That’s because he isn’t, as he made abundantly clear in an interview with The Daily Caller. Questioned by the outlet about the recent scandal involving well-connected individuals bribing NYPD officials in order to obtain the city’s rarely-granted concealed carry permits, Rangel gloated over how hard it was for New Yorkers to carry firearms within the city.
When his interviewer countered that he and his fellow congressmen were protected by armed police officers, however, the congressman offered this reason for the apparent discrepancy between his politics and his personal situation: politicians like him “need to be protected” because their situation is a “little different” from the average citizen.
Watch a video about Rangel’s hypocrisy on guns on the next page:
Just f-cling get rid of these dinosaurs!!!
Right we are different we aren’t corrupted like the Democrats!
Same said in Germany 75 yrs ago
Right. They work
Idiot moron
Needed because of you morons, read the constitution. Follow it,the law.
Another cockroach that needs flushed!
Arrogant Piece of s**t
I believe a whole problem is that whether they’re white, black or any other ethnic group they think they’re special so that they’re not like the rest of us there in a special class that’s why the media gets to tell us what to do because they’re special. Hollywood with their gated communities and private security thinks they’re special. And politicians think they’re special and know it all. Educators be it College or public schools think that they’re special so they can tell our kids whatever they want. And what that really means is since most of those I say above who act that way are liberals is that the rest of us don’t deserve to feel safe, don’t deserve to have our opinions listen to, and don’t deserve a good life. We are the peons. In this new world order we would be the serfs and the slaves and they would be in charge over all of us.