In defiance of the threat of more attacks by Muslim terrorists, the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo will feature the caricature of a tearful Mohammad holding up a sign with the statement “Je suis Charlie” (I am Charlie) below the headline: “Tout est pardonné” (All is forgiven).
Radical Islamics will surely not like the fact that they’ve helped bolster sales of the magazine, which typically prints around 60,000 copies, up to 3 million for tomorrow’s run, further spreading more portrayals of their Prophet.
We can expect more terrorist attacks on this magazine – Muslim terrorists will surely step up the game.
As the radical Islam colonizes and brings more terror to the West, the defiance of ‘infidels’ will continue to elevate the amount of attacks, bringing outright war onto the streets and a much larger police state within western nations.
I like that…moon crickets..Allah was a pagan moon god
You’re just trying to get poor will Ferrell killed…too funny
Will Ferrell eats way to much bacon to worry about isis.
if you are trying to make me mad , errr you’r mission failed James , i strongly juggest you to open a book rathar than judging a prophet peace be upon him
obama is doing censership on the new paper, making lame excuess . i say print what you wont he has no, writes to stop the press
I think its great they are speaking for their people and not against them. Current US house on the Hill, TAKE NOTE.
charlie hebdo equal a cham hell ….it’s ………..I don’t write
We all should post pictures of pedophile Mohamed.
I am really proud of the paper that they struck back at the enemy!
yes nuke the lot of them deport them worldwide back to their sand fked part of the world and bomb the p**s out of it