In defiance of the threat of more attacks by Muslim terrorists, the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo will feature the caricature of a tearful Mohammad holding up a sign with the statement “Je suis Charlie” (I am Charlie) below the headline: “Tout est pardonné” (All is forgiven).
Radical Islamics will surely not like the fact that they’ve helped bolster sales of the magazine, which typically prints around 60,000 copies, up to 3 million for tomorrow’s run, further spreading more portrayals of their Prophet.
We can expect more terrorist attacks on this magazine – Muslim terrorists will surely step up the game.
As the radical Islam colonizes and brings more terror to the West, the defiance of ‘infidels’ will continue to elevate the amount of attacks, bringing outright war onto the streets and a much larger police state within western nations.
Our reliogn saays we wmust forgive our enemies. It says nothing about forgetting…
show the whole picture TandA!.. …cowards!
The idiocy of “American moderates” caused us to enter WWII with out- dated weapons, resulting in far more American deaths than there should have been. During obama’s 6 years our defense has dropped even lower while Russia and China have been building. Why?
Bring it
Never back down against those subhuman scum.
They American people on a whole support you…the idiot in the White House is not something we are proud of.
This has nothing to do now with freedom of speech but more so as provocation. This does nothing to aid us in tracking and eliminating the threat. Line little immature boys getting even. So sad that these “children” must play stupid and deadly games. I served 21 years to protect freedoms and granted we will not be intimidated. But this has absolutely nothing to do with intimidation but arrogance of pride and the height of stupidity overriding intelligence. One of several best ways to fight the terrorist thugs is to get our game at their level and hit them with everything we have. But playing these giy-boy games will lead to more of the same. But go ahead and play their games and they have only themselves to blame.
The West must wake up and begin to see Islam for what it truly is! A hate-filled cult bent on the destruction of Civilization!
Maybe Europe will finally get tired of these scumbag muslims trying to take over all of Europe and do something about them. If their government won’t get rid of them, it will be up to the citizens of Europe to get rid of the scumbag muslims. All muslims need to be exterminated from all of the civilized world. Kill them before they kill us.
Because Obama is setting us up for the muslims to take over our country. He doesn’t realize our military will fight with us, especially the ones that just got fired by Obama. The biggest problem is Obama’s army of muslims he is importing.