When the Charleston shooting happened, how was it that the FBI was so incredibly fast to arrive on the scene? One would think they had a station next to the church.
As it just so happens, the feds were conducting an ‘active shooter drill’ at the same exact time of the shooting.
The video and document on the next page provides absolute proof that federal agents were conducting this drill from June 15-19th – the shooting occurred on the 17th.
What a coincidence right? Well, maybe it was no coincidence at all…
same as boston bombing and London subway…
You will never know the truth.
We all know these are false flags. They are done by government to get our guns.
Wow…..same with Sandy Hook. And 911, where they were working with NORAD on an ‘excersize’ about domestic airlines being used as guided missiles.
SO much information to look at. it’s getting a bit embar$#%&!@*ing talking about what ACTUALLY happened.
Look closely. It seems as though Charleston is a regular place for these drills. There were several earlier in the year. So? Any m$#%&!@* problems then? Grabbing at straws, people.
If truth is ever know, this was probably another one set up by Obama’s minions to try to start a race war.
Another FAULSE FLAG POS work by the Unrelenting Tyranee of the ObamaNation.
When I worked at the Univ of Arizona a disgruntled nursing student entered the nursing building. He began shooting. He was holding students in a cl$#%&!@*room hostage after killing the teachers. The Tucson Police were holding a hostage/terrorist drill nearby. Thankfully they got to the campus and entered the building so fast that the shooter saw no way out and committed suicide in front of his hostages. A lot of lives were saved.