The hidden narrative of the Charleston shooting that occurred this week follows a basic pattern seen in a great majority of all mass shootings.
Of course, this pattern isn’t brought up within the liberal mainstream media, who exploit such events to forward their agenda, not seek to root out the primary causes of such tragedies.
Pharmaceuticals are a major problem in this country
Do your Damon research suboxone is an amazing drug that has saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of addicts. It was not the suboxone he was on it was the drugs he did in between and the pure hate in his heart. Learn your facts people.
Do your Damon research suboxone is an amazing drug that has saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of addicts. It was not the suboxone he was on it was the drugs he did in between and the pure hate in his heart. Learn your facts people. Suboxone is meant for people to taper off of it.
It doesn’t happen like that
I would think that in a m$#%&!@* shooting whether the person is on drugs or not it’s still done by a person with access to a gun.
Should have just used the stress degree wheel the police use to get off on shooting people to death. The police can be almost ready to kill someone and the phycological evaluation says they can work still. Doctor lets them stay at work. Then they kill someone. And say. I was to stressed. I didnt know what I was doing. Lmao
Just shoot him already
Working for Obummer !
Instead of trying to take guns away….why don’t we get these folks off of drugs!!!!