The hidden narrative of the Charleston shooting that occurred this week follows a basic pattern seen in a great majority of all mass shootings.
Of course, this pattern isn’t brought up within the liberal mainstream media, who exploit such events to forward their agenda, not seek to root out the primary causes of such tragedies.
Isis sleeper cell lol
This article is c**p. Suboxone has several side effects but anger isn’t one. In fact, an overdose side effect is actually becoming overly calm. This is a drug to reduce the cravings for heroin. The fact he told the police he almost didn’t go through with it because people were nice to him shows this was just pure hate.
He will be in a psych ward
Tim how would that have help?? It was his father’s gun! Again with the stupid back ground bs. Here a little info for you. Every legal carry has been thur the background check.
They’ve posted his history on every channel. Even down to the city he lives in Flys a Confederate flag. Try research.
My problem with this is simple. They are spinning this he just wanted to kill blacks. Ok why did he drive to towns over and go to a church where 13 community leaders were to do it? How did he know they were there? Plus one was also a senator pushing the pocket cam bill. Something not right about this!
His father gave him the gun for his birthay.
Drugs don’t make people commit violent act of this magnitude . true they do not help an already warped and twisted mind that was evidently forged into this thinking as a child, but saying drugs caused it it giving him an excuse. There isn’t any excuse for what he has done. None and I know if someone cut my hair like that I would be upset to ,but not that upset. No excuse only reasons…. The reason he acted this way was lack of Godliness ,lack of love and a true reminder of sinful nature without God the light of our existence presence in his life. Watch the news every new day is proof of Gods soon coming, the bible speaks of these types of things as signs of his soon return. Its not a black and white thing . though our media portrays it to be so . media is used to control your emotions. The media pushes racism by focusing on the act and pushing color throughout its color . if people stop looking at each other as a color and mode like a brother or sister then comp$#%&!@*ion ,love,respect, the bible says love thy neighbor as thyself. It also says how can you tell you brother he has a speck in his, when you have a plank in your own eye. You hypocrite! You must first remove the plank from your own eye then you will see more clearly to remove the speck out of your brothers eye. So how many people are trying to remove this boys speck.
He should never have been taken into custody, but shot f#☆ing dead where he stood. Quit giving these retarrds fame and give them instant death and this c**p would stop in a hearbeat. But no lets put them all over the news and find out whoe “really” to blame… ftards!