The hidden narrative of the Charleston shooting that occurred this week follows a basic pattern seen in a great majority of all mass shootings.
Of course, this pattern isn’t brought up within the liberal mainstream media, who exploit such events to forward their agenda, not seek to root out the primary causes of such tragedies.
No.. a proclaimed White Supremacist. . Drug addicted…
Sorry- True Son’s of the South have more respect for the church. This has “Islam” written all over it even if he says otherwise.
I am so ashamed!!
Wow-another Big Pharma zombie—take away the meds and the guns will be just fine.
Your black friends in jail a waiting for you white boy …..nice one
Actually the media does use the drug excuse when the criminal is black saying he was trying to rehabilitate.
Why is america lying about the flags??? Any monkey can see its Photoshop!!
This looks more like the official photo!!
Who ever bought him that gun should answer to charges they had to know he had problems in his head
This man have a pending Felony Gun Charges already!! Universal Background Checks may have STOPPED him…. Wake up guys