The hidden narrative of the Charleston shooting that occurred this week follows a basic pattern seen in a great majority of all mass shootings.
Of course, this pattern isn’t brought up within the liberal mainstream media, who exploit such events to forward their agenda, not seek to root out the primary causes of such tragedies.
If I were the families of these people I would sue the church and the state and federal government for not allowing parishioners to exercise their second amendment right to be armed… mantra… If only one had a gun
You sound pretty racist^ that’s awesome…….
Cause they are to busy killing eachother?
May I share your comment? Very well said…
Until we attack the drug cartels and toughen up our treatment of drug usage, we will continue to see these atrocities in our cities. How can we have gun control of legal guns and not be able to strip away guns from the criminal element.? The parents also need to be responsible and accountable for their parenting. There are many fractions to this killings. Some apparent and some hidden. YOU AND OTHERS WHO ARE PLAYING DR NEED TO RESEARCH BEFORE SPEAKING! HERE ARE THE FACTS OF THIS DRUG! EDUCATE YOURSELF AND PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THE PSYCHIATRIC SIDE EFFECTS!!!
The problem with what you say is it has become way to easy to blame everything on racism. If your claim is true. Then explain why there were 55 other blacks killed in Chicago and Detroit the same day?? These were by other blacks. There were also 37 whites killed that day by blacks in Detroit and NYC. Not everything is black and white and can’t be labeled as such. It’s not about race. Hasn’t been in a long time. It’s about no respect for life period. If we go by your theory. Then seems the true racist would be black. But I don’t believe that. Again it’s about respecting life and the value of life.
Please do Perry Ann Hamilton