The media reports on the “poor refugees” not allowed to get into Hungary, yet the reality is, that the state of emergency on this border is real and very dangerous.
Rioting refugees have resulted in tear gas and water cannons being used by police who were attacked by bricks and rocks. Go to page 2 to get the kool-aide free story on what is really occurring on the border of Hungary and Serbia.
You tell it GIRL. This is still a free country and you have every right to state your opinion. Which just happens to be the same as mine
“Ethnic Cleansing” in action!!!!! Free shower.
Coming to a neighborhood near you. Enjoy your changes
Just love you Martina.
And Balaam’s has rebuked you Patricia! Smart woman.
Start using real bullets and shoot all these filthy vermin
Bust heads take names .
The majority of them are men. Why aren’t the fighting? They were acting like savages.
use real bullits
Wts, the border guards need to start shooting to kill… Period!! Looks like the citizens of the USA will be doing the same thing just shortly!! We’re all being overwhelmed, man, they can really reproduce…