The media reports on the “poor refugees” not allowed to get into Hungary, yet the reality is, that the state of emergency on this border is real and very dangerous.
Rioting refugees have resulted in tear gas and water cannons being used by police who were attacked by bricks and rocks. Go to page 2 to get the kool-aide free story on what is really occurring on the border of Hungary and Serbia.
When the Muslim population remains at or under 2%, their presence tends to fly low under the radar. In the 2% – 5% range, Muslims begin to seek converts, targeting those they see as disaffected, such as criminals. When the population reaches 5% they exert influence disproportionate to their numbers, becoming more aggressive and pushing for Sharia law. When the population hits the 10% mark Muslims become increasingly lawless and violent. Once the population reaches 20%, there is an increase in rioting, murder, jihad militias, and destruction of non-Muslim places of worship. At 40%, there are “widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare.” Once beyond 50%, infidels and apostates are persecuted, genocide occurs, and Sharia law is implemented. After 80%, intimidation is a daily part of life along with violent jihad and some state-run genocide as the nation purges all infidels. Once the nation has rid itself of all non-Muslims, the presumption is that ‘Dar-es-Salaam’ has been attained – the Islamic House
Jack D. Cagle’s photo.
One day here in America soon all of u heartless greedy iggnarant racists people are going to be in the same position as these people but I’m sure it will be much worse cuz God will not be merciful to u cuz u had no mercy and compassion for others we all no this country is going to to collapse and there will be starvation killing and horrific things to happen it is called end times and I’m happy that u will be able to feel and see the immagrants pain u heartless people God hates ugliness and most of u here on this page are the ugliest of humans there can be no way u are a religious person that’s for sure thank you God for a judgement day wen all humans will be accountable for what we have done in this life and God please don’t ever let me be like most of the humans here on this page let me be one that loves all of your creation and helps to make it a better place for all of your creation . Peace on Earth is wat I want and that is wat I no u want from your creation
Let’s see how it will be in a couple more years when muslims have complete control of our population? You see progress is not their most important product! Name one thing these people have ever invented, created, produced, have you ever seen a Muslim orchestra?…….Their idea of the future is taking us all down and back 1,000 years! Yet, we are allowing Obama and European leaders to continue to destroy us…and our way of life …Why ….?
Thy are Isis to the core. There is only one solution to all of them…
Good. The rest of Europe, do the same.
Go back to hell where you came from.
Maybe they dont want them
And there’s people who do not love America, don’t appreciate what they have,,,they murder, rape, pillage and claim that they do it because they have nothing. Oooooohhhhhh really. ..look again across the world.
Hungary has a right to keep them out are anyone else they don’t want .