The media reports on the “poor refugees” not allowed to get into Hungary, yet the reality is, that the state of emergency on this border is real and very dangerous.
Rioting refugees have resulted in tear gas and water cannons being used by police who were attacked by bricks and rocks. Go to page 2 to get the kool-aide free story on what is really occurring on the border of Hungary and Serbia.
Use machine guns instead of water. They will get the idea not to come!
This has all been planned for preparation of the New World Order. The governments responsible are creating hostility among every nation and pure chaos. Then after we kill each other and destroy our lands and are all starving, broken and desperate they will enact the NWO to supposedly fix everything but it will be the plan for the rising of Antichrist which will supposedly be announced to save us from ourselves and people will worship him but things will only be better temporarily and then the portal to hell will open. That is their plan, but true Christians and Gods people won’t be deceived. Its terrifying to think about because things are getting worse every day. All we can do is pray and keep telling others. Protect your children and all your loved ones. Hold them dear and do not to let fear and hate consume your heart and overtake your spirit.
Way to go Hungary, turn them away and send them back to where they all stared all the problems.
They aren’t poor they are doing exactly what they are supposed to be, send them back before they destroy more of your country
Well done Hungarians they are savages
Stop calling them refugees.
They are trained terrorists ( men, women, children ).
Their koran teaches them to lie and kill to defeat the infidels.
Islam is a murderous cult.
ISIS flags in Germany.
ISIS flags in Italy.
Well Dawn, how many women and children or elderly do you see? Mostly fighting aged men! The USA cannot take in all the worlds poor!
Dawn, if they came here you would be the first one they would kill!
Go home
Well done hungary.