The left likes to position itself as the defender of minorities and Republicans as their enemies, but it seems that African-Americans and other minority groups are waking up to this charade.
While every GOP candidate for president in recent memory has been accused of being racist by liberals, Democrats were especially adamant about pushing the idea that Donald Trump was the most racist person to ever run for president. Nevermind that past presidents had supported not only segregation but slavery as well: these are minor offenses compared to talking about putting America first and making the country great again in the eyes of leftists apparently.
But despite their best efforts, an unprecedented amount of minority voters cast their ballots in favor of the populist conservative, exposing the cracks in the progressive narrative that minorities exclusively support Democrats and the few that don’t are traitors to their communities.
Watch video of black and Hispanic Trump supporters on the next page:
It’s funny how the party of supposed civil rights violates Americans civil rights! We the Republicans people really need to join together one last time for 2 reasons. To sign a petition banning the Democrat party and the second file a discrimination suit against the democratic party. In the amount of 2 billion dollars name all including these racist pigs in the suit! Remember, they are thieves and have the money to pay Republican citizens! They are blatantly enciting violence and intimation of white people! Time to unite for the right to be white and proud without shame!
Some are finally waking up.
It revealed the Left are Globalists Communists nothing American
Peeps: Please read USEFUL IDIOTS, i.e. Saul Alinsky. This is the SOROS/ Clinton/ Democratic plan to turn the USA into a socialist country. In play since slick Willy, a Rhodes scholar. Rhodes was a socialist. Furthermore, most journalism professors are at liberal university. Try to name any conservative force on msnbc, cnn, cbs. I can’t.
1Take away guns.2 Remove religion from & control curriculum in schools, 3 put the country in debt (Obama doubled it) 4 put more people on welfare, 5 creat civil conflict, 6 single payer healthcare, read more
If you have no argument or facts just call them racist
Can’t even afford to fix there infrastructure but they wanna spend money on this….idiot’s
Kevin McGill
Thanks Jim. The political process is flawed on both ends isn’t it? Name calling is never helpful. Christians much seek true reconciliation however and wherever they can. Our allegiance must always be Jesus first. How else can we operate within a flawed system within a flawed world?