There is a strange fascination among some on the left with Islam. It’s not that they are Muslims or show any desire to convert to the Muslim faith. This fascination typically manifests itself, among western political leaders at least, in a desire to bring more Muslims into their countries coupled with an intransigent refusal to admit the obvious — that there exists a strand of Islam that is dedicated to the spread and imposition of their faith using violence.
Freedom of religion, at least as practiced in America, does not include the right to impose your faith on others through coercion or violence. And this understanding of religious freedom does not extend to the right to impose political or legal beliefs on others simply because supporters allege that a legal code is part of their religion.
That a set of laws governing a society might be part of a faith is not being denied. What is being denied is that individuals or groups can demand the imposition and enforcement of laws contrary to our Constitution and legal system under the cover of practicing their faith and the doctrine of religious freedom.
Germany is a Western nation with a Western culture and a Western legal tradition. While its citizens do not enjoy the Constitutional protections we in America do, they do have a culture that collides directly with some Islamic beliefs and practices. More on page two.
The crickets must be having a field day inside that empty brain cavity, I can hear them from my house.
Sounds like Hillary
Your mentally ill unbelievable poor Germany
When are the Germans going to hang this witch from the highest tree. She has sold out every single one of you to the new world order that you be a slave to as well as muslims
Typical liberals dumb as$#%&!@*wake the hell up
merkel is a traitor to her own people , a globalist who wants 1 world order she’ll use musloms to kill as many germans as she can to get her job of her puppet master done……. she should be dragged down by mob force and burnt at the stake
She has been bought and paid for like a 2 bit hooker
There MUST be a way to get rid of that MONSTER !
When will the Germans wake up and take thier country back?