Chain Migration Through DACA Amnesty Will Outpace American Birthrates by Four Times

The issues of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that was initiated by President Barack Hussein Obama were so large, controversial, and truly repulsive to everyday Americans, not because of what the program’s language was pretending to protect, but for what it was actually attempting to sneak past the American people.

DACA was literally an Executive Order mean specifically to make an exception for the children of illegal aliens who were either brought to this country unattended (arriving from foreign countries, unattended by their parents or their legal guardians, but by adult strangers) or in the womb and born to illegal aliens who had entered the US with the intent of taking advantage of our perceived generous 14th Amendment rights (which did not legally refer to them, but specifically to the children of former Black slaves).

The words chosen for the name DACA were specifically ambiguous so as not to arouse suspicion by the general populace.  “Deferred,” meaning put aside as an exception to the rule or law, and “action” simply meant that Obama was penning an extra-Constitutional law that would thwart actual federal immigration laws already on the books.  The words, “childhood arrivals” are self-explanatory.  What we’re saying here is that the name of the program (if we’re being completely upfront and honest) should literally be “Illegal Disregard of the US Constitution for Illegal Children of Illegal Aliens” or IDUSICIA.

The problems associated with this IDUSICIA program is that it is stripping the American taxpayer of BILLIONS of dollars per year and is also contributing to a much bigger issue that is a result of the program:  That of population growth of foreign nationals outpacing our native-born Americans.

The Democrats’ draft Dream Act amnesty would likely add as many chain-migration foreigners to the United States population as are added by the total number of Americans who are born in four years’ time.

As House and Senate Republicans, Democrats, the big business lobby, the cheap labor industry, and the open borders lobby have teamed up to push an amnesty for potentially millions of illegal aliens who are enrolled and eligible for the President Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, the impact the move would have on Americans would be likely unprecedented.

Under the current legal immigration system, immigrants who are given a pathway to U.S. citizenship are eventually allowed to bring extended family members, children, their parents, siblings, and extended family members to the country. This process, which makes up more than 70 percent of the current legal immigration, is what’s known as “chain migration.”

Research by the Migration Policy Institute (MPI) reveals that under a DACA amnesty deal, between about 800,000 and 3.5 million illegal aliens could be eligible for legalization to permanently remain in the U.S. Of those, MPI notes that 1.5 million of the estimated 3.5 million would be allowed to obtain U.S. citizenship.

How this works is that each of the people who have been approved for citizenship (and the number of the members of Congress who are on-board with this idea are vast on both sides of the aisle) would, on the average, be “chain-migrating” family members to this country, who would then, in turn, be eligible for citizenship, as well as the generous American taxpayer-funded Medicaid and SNAP (food stamp) programs.  These two programs, just by themselves, are already astronomically climbing into the BILLIONS of dollars!  Tack onto that the added BILLIONS that would be afforded for the healthcare, education and housing, and now we’re speaking in the tens of billions of dollars that we are on the hook for and, for which, we are made to feel guilty if we are struggling to feed our own families and get a bit agitated at the Left’s insinuation that we’re anti-Immigrant!

Let’s clear something up as well.  I am a second-generation American.  My grandparents came here from somewhere else.  I am certainly not anti-Immigrant.  If anyone is anti-Immigrant, let’s start with the ridiculous bias against White European immigrants versus people of color from any other region of the world.  That’s true, honest-to-goodness anti-immigration, if we’re being intellectually truthful.

However, just the fact that the invaders from the south are being lumped in with immigrants is already one of those “nudges” we’re talking about and that which is being used specifically to blur the lines between what is ACTUALLY legal (immigration) and what is not (illegal alien invasion).  So, before you get into an extended argument with a Leftist over how the Conservatives are anti-immigrant, for God’s sake, stop them dead in their tracks and point out that illegal aliens are not immigrants…they are invading our borders.  If they were not invited…then they are invaders.  Party crashers are not called “party attendees” for a good reason, people.

So, now we’ve established that this cost will be severe and it will be exponentially climbing because of chain migration that naturally comes along with amnesty, as sexual harassment naturally pairs with Progressivism…hand in glove…or hand on buttocks…whichever you prefer.

Chain migration, however, doesn’t go far enough to describe the coming tsunami (not tidal wave) of foreign nationals that will be overwhelming the voting booths in 10 years and exacting Hell on Earth retaliation toward the Conservative Rightwing movement that will turn the endangered Swamp RINO into a species more prolific than the New York City pigeon.  If we allow this chain migration through DACA (paired with amnesty and subsequent citizenship) we are dooming the Conservative movement for a nuclear winter the likes that has not been seen since the 1960s (it took the Republicans nearly 40 years to regain the Congress under President Bill Clinton).

Giving amnesty to millions of illegal aliens who are covered and eligible for the President Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program would cost American taxpayers a total of $26 billion, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).

The DREAM Act, which is the most expansive amnesty being considered in Congress, would give potentially 3.5 million illegal aliens who are shielded from deportation by DACA and those eligible for DACA a pathway to U.S. citizenship.

Such a plan, the CBO reports, would come with a costly price tag to American taxpayers:
In total, CBO and JCT estimate that changes in direct spending and revenues from enacting S. 1615 would increase budget deficits by $25.9 billion over the 2018-2027 period, boosting on-budget deficits by $30.6 billion and decreasing off-budget deficits by $4.7 billion over that period. Pay-as-you-go procedures apply because enacting the bill would affect direct spending and revenues. [Emphasis added]

Under the DREAM Act, Americans would have to pay for at least two million illegal aliens who would become eligible for federal entitlement programs such as Medicaid and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), commonly known as “food stamps.”

Newly amnestied illegal aliens under the DREAM Act would also be allowed to receive federal benefits to go to college, costing Americans a billion dollars just between 2018 through 2022, the CBO estimates.

So, it appears that the only American Dream is the one by illegal aliens!

As Breitbart News reported, the most recent Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) report reveals that an illegal alien costs the American taxpayer approximately $8,075 each, totaling a burden of roughly $116 billion annually.

Researchers with FAIR said the finding was both a “disturbing and unsustainable trend,” as the cost of illegal immigration to taxpayers has risen nearly $3 billion since 2013, when illegal immigration cost $113 billion.

And here is the second part of that bottom line of exponential growth of the population of the permanent Democrat-voting underclass who never earn more than $22K annually.  The second part of that equation is that in addition to the massive amount of taxes that you’re already paying to fund the government’s drunken-sailor-spending-spree, you’ll also be paying an additional 11 cents every paycheck over the course of the entire year.  For a person who is earning about $38K a year, the equivalent of one month’s pay.  You’d be working one full month…think carefully…one full month in order to support illegal aliens and their chain migration extended family and wouldn’t see a dime of that money!

Couple that statistic with the fact that by the end of all this wrangling by the federal government, the net gain for the American people would be a deficit of $115B…AND…an explosion of illegals who would be then here LEGALLY whose numbers would be FOUR TIMES THE BIRTHRATE OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE each year!

This DACA and its sub-set programs of amnesty and support are nothing more than a series of powerful “nudges” to the eventual sublimating of the White American population and inevitable extinction of the race from the country.  If you don’t believe it can happen, just look at what is happening in Sweden, Germany and Norway right now and that is the future of the United States.

Source:  Breitbart 1 / Breitbart 2

Image: Molly Adams



  1. Mike

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