Chaffetz Joins Democrats in Witch Hunt to Destroy General Flynn

Chaffetz himself was entangled in a scandal involving the Extortion 17 Navy SEALs helicopter crash when Air Force Captain Joni Marquez came forward to tell the story of how she and her crew had been called in by a group of Army Rangers involved in an intense firefight with the Taliban in Afghanistan.

When Marquez’s aircraft engaged the Taliban, they managed to kill all combatants, except two.  As these two enemies crawled from the battlefield, CPT Marquez requested permission to finish the job, meaning take out the two remaining combatants.  What occurred then was unbelievable.

CPT Marquez was instructed to “stand down” and not engage the enemy.  Based on the new Obama administration “rules of engagement” she was not to fire upon the enemy, until she was fired upon first!

These two combatants proceeded to enter a nearby village and began knocking on doors to rally supporters.  More Taliban fighters joined them and quickly swelled to a platoon-sized troop.

On multiple occasions, CPT Marquez requested permission to engage.  And on multiple occasions, was denied.

It was then that the Taliban fighters fired an RPG into the gunship carrying 17 Navy SEALs!  All 38 people on board were instantly killed.

Chaffetz allowed this investigation into the stand-down order to languish and eventually die in chambers!

Here’s more from The Gateway Pundit:

TGP also documented Rep. Cummings’ criminal activity where he could face up to five years in prison…

Democrat Leader Elijah Cummings Could Face Up to Five Years in Prison for Illegal Attacks on True the Vote–

Last April House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) released a report implicating Democrat Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) in colluding with the IRS and Lois Lerner against the nonpartisan voters rights group “True the Vote.”

Catherine Engelbrecht, the founder of “True the Vote,” testified before Congress in February.
She was targeted by FBI, IRS, ATF, and OSHA after she filed for tax exempt status for her voters rights group.

Chaffetz and Cummings are two men who have yet to answer to the American people about their criminality and cover-ups. Their attacks on General Flynn are merely a deflection from their own scandals. Why aren’t they going after Hillary Clinton or others in the Obama administration with this type of fervor? The American people have absolutely had it with these globalists who are only out for themselves!

It wasn’t that long ago that Cummings and his pet, Nancy Pelosi, called a hurried press conference in an attempt to slander General Flynn further by delving into a Tweet by the military commander regarding “scapegoats”.  If you recall, halfway through the tirade, a Pelosi aide was shown stepping up on stage to tell the two clueless Democrats that the Tweets were hoaxes!  This guy has had it in for General Flynn since the beginning!

It’s not enough that these overpaid legislators are messing with their own personal lives, but to implicate another person of unquestioning loyalty to the U.S. and its military is despicable.  This “wag-the-dog” method of diverting attention away from your own scandals by concocting another faux pas is reminiscent of Bill Clinton, but smacks of terrible desperation on the parts of these two limelight-seeking individuals.

It is high time that these two washed up lawmakers quit making the laws and go back to their private lives, annoying their neighbors and cutting their lawns.

Source:  The Gateway Pundit



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