Central bankers, those oracles whose every pronouncement is poured over like some holy writ, met in Jackson Hole, Wyoming for their usual symposium. And the result of the meeting is a punt.
In what may be a rare instance of honesty, officials from the Federal Reserve, the Bank of Japan, and the European Central Bank said their efforts to stimulate the economy will likely fail unless government officials take the initiative by taking “bold measures.” It seems they are having trouble convincing market participants that things are better than they seem.
Can you imagine the measures they want governments to take?
So many saying all this c**p totally stupid
Reality check, they don’t actually make anything better, but their policies do make things worse. They cause harm to the natural business cycle and suck money out of the economy.
They’ve been bailed out too many times! Time to get new CEOs and for them to talk to Wall Street!
I don’t think it’s wise to have the big banks self regulate and create as much money as they want thereby taxing everyone in the nation indirectly with inflation. There is no bigger scam anywhere.
I totally agree with you! Time for some banks to close!
This recount is a very serious situation and puts Trump in a critical place – now 5 states. March for America 2016 (MFA) is doing a few things and need Trumpsters to immediately participate: raising money to counter Killary/Stein recount and attempt at stealing the election, forming a class action for Trumpsters, and a march on Jan. 20th inauguration in DC and across the country and we need multi millions (not a few hundred). Scott, the founder of MFA, gives live stream updates 2-3 times a day (he has insider info) and posts those videos to watch for those that miss the live streams – he puts out critical info and answers questions from the comments section during live stream. Please like and share this info everywhere for folks to keep up with what is going on and what we are doing – it is the only page that is trying to unite and join us so we will all be on the same page, rather than do nothing or chaos. https://www.facebook.com/MarchForAmerica2016/
Let the people who dont produce go back to the bottom with the snakes they are!
The federal money printing presses never stopped during the 8 years of the Obama administration! We had QE 1,2,3,4, all were failures with no GNP growth, no bank CD growth, no NOTHING! When Obama said he put 160,000 people to work, he failed to mention they were all part-time 30 hour a week jobs, with no health insurance as businesses were required to pay an initial $4,000 per employee for their programs. So it force these folks on Obamacare. There’s hope when Trump brings in manufacturing and industry it produces more working people which produce more taxes, relieving the middle class worker who has carried the burden of the government for the past 8 years. I think they deserve a break, don’t you?
Act of 1871 they’ve been at it for years and years and years and years and years and years…brainwash8ng all people to their duty to work daily amd pay your taxes, i mean their pockets. Ive known this for years also. But people are finally starting to open their eyes and see the world for what is really is. An illusion of happiness and content covered up by lust and greed for money.