Central bankers, those oracles whose every pronouncement is poured over like some holy writ, met in Jackson Hole, Wyoming for their usual symposium. And the result of the meeting is a punt.
In what may be a rare instance of honesty, officials from the Federal Reserve, the Bank of Japan, and the European Central Bank said their efforts to stimulate the economy will likely fail unless government officials take the initiative by taking “bold measures.” It seems they are having trouble convincing market participants that things are better than they seem.
Can you imagine the measures they want governments to take?
All perfectly planned and exicuted.
Is it winter? Please help. I am In summer weather
But’ Obama says were a Wealthy Nation’ guess it’s cause he can borrow a million a minute’ everyday!
And Stop blaming Bush, for a War that Bill Clinton him-self Started’ It was Not George Bush, that allowed 19 Muslim Terrorist into this Country FOR FLIGHT LESSONS’ Then handed the Presidency over to Bush!
They want another government “bail out” so they can stuff more in their pockets before Trump stops it.
Gas the bankers.
Need to STOP the whole to big to fail thing they have going on
they need to get a real job…..$#%&!@*……..
The central bank needs to be gone.