Central bankers, those oracles whose every pronouncement is poured over like some holy writ, met in Jackson Hole, Wyoming for their usual symposium. And the result of the meeting is a punt.
In what may be a rare instance of honesty, officials from the Federal Reserve, the Bank of Japan, and the European Central Bank said their efforts to stimulate the economy will likely fail unless government officials take the initiative by taking “bold measures.” It seems they are having trouble convincing market participants that things are better than they seem.
Can you imagine the measures they want governments to take?
Stop the B******T . They are NOT predicting, they are PLANNING on it. They should all be executed along with ALL the banker elitists. Central Banks and the Federal Reserve(a private corporation) ARE the reasons for the financiers of the wars world wide.
Bush 1,2 are responsible for this.
Nonsense !!!
Obama intends to bring the economy to 0 ,,,, close the banks and leave you without money and food. Do not believe the stories and the lies they tell you !!! Go take your money from the bank.
Nonsense !!!
Obama intends to bring the economy to 0 ,,,, close the banks and leave you without money and food. Do not believe the stories and the lies they tell you !!! Go take your money from the bank.
Very unfair thing to say. You need to research what your talking about. Democrats (Clinton) and banks screwed the housing market to make themselves look good and set it up to explode. Bush wasn’t good enough to stop it and the s..t hit the fan.
Democrats and Banks made millions, stole it and Obama gave then your tax dollars
Obama is telling everyone he is a magician and has everything under control…what a low life moron he is. Jim R.
9/30/16, 4:00pm. its coming.
Obama is destroying America… Trillions and Trillions of dollars in debt… All enacted by Obama
The coming Constitutional Revival is not going to be fun or pretty. When we come out the other side of it,, those responsible need to be tracked down, brought back for treason trials, convicted, hanged, and have their entire estates civilly seized.