The shootings in Oregon have not stimulated sympathy from the celebrity left, but rather word vomit about gun control, with all the illogical ideology they espouse.
Celebs scream for gun control, taking to Twitter to promote their irrational thoughts that taking guns away from law abiding citizens will solve the violence problems.
Check out some of the insanity on page 2.
You and I know that, these people do to but can’t admit how wrong they are about who they voted for.
Think about it. Just how confident are you about your government? Do they always tell you the truth?
So all of these people who are for disarming the American people need to lead by example. All of them need to give up their guns and disarm their bodyguards. Let us know how it works out, if you are alive long enough.
stupid celeb
People think our government would NEVER do this…I tell them to go to youtube and watch Gen. Wesley Clark talking about rounding up ‘seditious’ people and putting them in ‘camps’. That would be we, who speak out. smh idiot sheeple.
So very true, Kathleen Lilley!
make hollywierd a gun free zone and watch the little bitchs get what they deserve
Idiots, you will never be able to take away guns from crook’s and if u take away guns from everyone else these dumbasses will fine a crook to get a gun to go and do the same thing if they really want to go kill people
Bought and paid for idiots.. Oregon shooter just like Obama, bi-racial, a druggie, on the edge, a lost radical, bath house kind that didn’t fit in looking for anyway to feel important. The kind of kid easily manipulated because they do not have a stable core. The kind radicals and those on the edge seek and can easily convert with promises of power and money. These are the people that Obama identifies with as written in his book. Barry Soetoro traveled to Saudi Arabia as a college kid. Why and how did he get the funds to do so, getting financial aid as a foreign student? Obama identifies with troubled kids, criminals, self-made victims and is a radical. He even suggested in one incident that the troubled kid could be his son.
People like this are more likely to commit destruction in some form, they hate themselves so project it onto others. This Oregon shooter shot innocents in classrooms. Obama is trying to destroy America. Dictators are like this Oregon shooter, they just climb to a larger audience. Hatred of the good, for being the good. Self hate turning into evil projected outward, that is the Oregon shooter and that is Obama.