The shootings in Oregon have not stimulated sympathy from the celebrity left, but rather word vomit about gun control, with all the illogical ideology they espouse.
Celebs scream for gun control, taking to Twitter to promote their irrational thoughts that taking guns away from law abiding citizens will solve the violence problems.
Check out some of the insanity on page 2.
Ok then no more making millions of dollars off of shoot em up movies!!!
ok dearie you get a mental health bill passed that will take cre of whites and blacks.
They keep saying that he bought these guns legally but in fact he did not! He had mental problems and thus had to have lied on the background check!
It’s too bad these liberals aren’t a little more interested in nuclear weapons control !!!
How come nobody is talking about Hollywood that promotes all the violent movies, shows, and video games where gun violence is out of control, leading our children to think that gun violence and rape is very acceptable and commonplace in our society, but Obama does not go after Hollywood because they support him, just follow the money.
Agree Harold..if you’re not a criminal with violent tendencies…I’m all for it!
If it was NY liberal city the nuts be pushing u into traffic or a subway train..what to do…Ban pushing,trains or busses
This joker could’ve been stopped dead in his tracks
Well said!!