The shootings in Oregon have not stimulated sympathy from the celebrity left, but rather word vomit about gun control, with all the illogical ideology they espouse.
Celebs scream for gun control, taking to Twitter to promote their irrational thoughts that taking guns away from law abiding citizens will solve the violence problems.
Check out some of the insanity on page 2.
Absolute stupidity. Gun control gives power to criminals and makes their victims powerless. Clearly gun control advocates want more rape, murder, robbery and crime!
This shooter illustrates how the national threat of disaster about to occur affects the unstable mind….some people can’t tolerate the unknown; especially if it is threatening. Our president has provided such an ominous national environment and we can expect many more incidents like that which happened in Oregon.
I’m confused . The liberals say there are too many people in the world and we need to reduce those numbers to 1 billion. Since we are currently around 7 billion , we have a lot of people to kill. So why are these liberals upset about these mass shootings? They don’t get mad at partial birth abortion or even full birth abortion. They are promoting euthanasia , especially in Scandinavian countries. So if your trying to kill 6 billion people from the planet, why decry these shootings? Maybe it has nothing to do with these killings. Maybe it is just another ploy , by liberals, at power. They control the entire world except the United States. They do have a very dangerous hold on policy in the US though. If we lose our country, the whole world will lose. Economic collapse and the last World War is guaranteed . Those 6 billion people? They will die from malnutrition , disease , war and concentration camps. Where will be the Christians, conservatives and even the libertarians ( that don’t sell out to the socialists) ? We’ll be in the concentration camps or already dead from the wars upon us. Global warming( climate change)? The concern for the environment ? The world that will be left won’t be worth living in. Chemical, biological and nuclear weapons will do much to kill populations but most will die from malnutrition and disease. There will be only a few places on the planet that will be good to live but that will be reserved for the global elite( your new government ). As for me? I will not go quietly into the night. I will be among the first casualties of the traitors of our country because I will not go quietly into the night. You can chose to stand together in defense of our families ,States and Union now or try to defend your families alone. I think we all know your best chance is together. This is not a cry for war but a cry for unity, for organization and for compassion. Without us, there will be none. So put away your petty differences and chose to be counted as a Patriot.
Yeah if u make examples of the murderers and let the killers see what happens if u kill, I bet u see a slow down in killings
Think of the thousands of crimes stopped by armed citizens that never hit the big news. Now think of how many shootings would be in the news if they weren’t armed.
Yes because celebrities are so smart and they know so much more than me….if someone tries to shoot me ill have my bodyguard protect me….oh, wait a minute
While they will keep employing armed security
Let’s see who is smart.
If no one had guns would this school shootings have happened?
So then force every child to have a gun. Nice. Then they get shot and the killer.has two.guns.
So force every child to own a gun. Then when they die at school the killer has two guns