Celebrity Rapper: The Left Will “Progress Us Into Slavery”

The left would never admit it, but its members commit acts of racism on a regular basis. They do this when they browbeat minorities into adopting a particular leftist agenda as though those persons cannot think for themselves and draw their own conclusions. We see it often in social justice issues as well as in economic policy. Deviate from the agenda prescribed by the left, and expect to be criticized, ostracized, or attacked as a traitor to your own race.

Not all fall in line with the left. When one who has achieved fame takes a stand in opposition to liberals, it is a terrific encouragement.

While students and activists geared up to march in Washington, D.C., and across the country in support of new restrictions on the Second Amendment, rapper Killer Mike warned that gun control is way the progressive left can return black Americans to slavery.

In an interview with NRATV’s Colion Noir, Killer Mike explained how the left equates gun control with progress and observed, “[They are] going to progress us into slavery.”

In the lead-up to the March 14 school walk out for gun control, Killer Mike said he told his kids, “I love you, but if you walk out that school walk out my house.”

Here’s where Mike nails it.

“You can’t continue to be the lackey,” the Atlanta-based rapper and business owner said. “You’re a lackey of the progressive movement because you have never disagreed with the people who tell you what to do.”

Continuing with the interview:

Noir pointed out how celebrities like George Clooney and Steven Spielberg pledged $500,000 to Saturday’s gun control march.

“Celebrities often don’t know what to do. They’re told what to do,” Killer Mike said, explaining how a famous rapper, who’s a friend of his, felt pressured into doing an anti-gun promo. Killer Mike told his friend that he’s very pro-Second Amendment” and that it is about the children for him — after a shooting on his daughter’s college campus (Savannah State University); “I talked to my wife and daughter after that, the decision was we’re going to go to Savannah, she’s going to get a gun and train more.”

“We’re raising a generation of kids where everyone gets’ a trophy. But in real life, everyone doesn’t get a trophy,” Killer Mike said. “In real life, the cops don’t come on time.

We have a man here who is talking as well as teaching his children the American virtue of self-reliance. This is anathema to the left.

The left must control the thinking of its constituents, especially that of minorities, otherwise, their power base crumbles. This is why independent-thinking members of minority groups such as “Killer Mike” represent such a danger to them.  If others, in his racial group, as well as others including whites, think about what he says, the progressive agenda will collapse.

We need more Americans like this man speaking out in public.

Source: Breitbart


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