Think you at least still have sovereignty over your own body? Think again. If the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is successful in getting its proposed rules approved, you could be forced to accept vaccinations at gun point. Or be rounded up with other resisters and transported to a federal camp.
At issue here is who owns your body. CDC proposed rules answer that question definitively: the federal government. It doesn’t matter what you believe. If you refuse a mandatory vaccination, you will be considered to be a menace to public health, and the full police powers of the state will be available to deal with you.
Sound crazy? Just take a look at the CDC’s proposed rules.
Yup not for me never get sick try it and you will die fm
This is how your Micro chip is going to be injected into you don’t get any vaccinations I’ll do the jail time
Kiss my$#%&!@* Sounds like a civil rights violation
Are you paying the bill not taxpayers.
Kiss our butt and u die.
Don’t care
What is Bs