Think you at least still have sovereignty over your own body? Think again. If the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is successful in getting its proposed rules approved, you could be forced to accept vaccinations at gun point. Or be rounded up with other resisters and transported to a federal camp.
At issue here is who owns your body. CDC proposed rules answer that question definitively: the federal government. It doesn’t matter what you believe. If you refuse a mandatory vaccination, you will be considered to be a menace to public health, and the full police powers of the state will be available to deal with you.
Sound crazy? Just take a look at the CDC’s proposed rules.
The CDC needs to stay out of people’s business. I think they are trying to poison people with all the drugs these days. My generation did not have all those shots and we are a very healthy generation. Also we are not mentally ill like some many young people today. Think about all the chemicals we put into our children to day.
come get me
The ground level logistics… The cdc and the gubmint are going to pay the money to do this… how many man hours alone… anyone who believes this is going to happen should make their foil hat a little bit thicker…
These evil vaccines!!!
The only sick days I had in the navy were after they made the flu shot mandatory. I missed a week of work each of the two times I got the shot. When the third year came up, I asked my CO to get me out of the flu shot. After he called the clinic and conferred with a doctor about my medical record, he told them to annotate my medical record to receive no more flu shots. Just an aside here. My parents were in a rest home in southern MN. ALL of the residents were ‘required’ to get flu shots. Out of approximately 120 residents, within 3 months of receiving that shot more than 25% of them had passed away, many from ‘congestive heart failur’. 32 dead, and 2 of those were my parents. Didn’t see any of THAT in the news, either, did you???
try it
Right after you and YOUR family do