Think you at least still have sovereignty over your own body? Think again. If the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is successful in getting its proposed rules approved, you could be forced to accept vaccinations at gun point. Or be rounded up with other resisters and transported to a federal camp.
At issue here is who owns your body. CDC proposed rules answer that question definitively: the federal government. It doesn’t matter what you believe. If you refuse a mandatory vaccination, you will be considered to be a menace to public health, and the full police powers of the state will be available to deal with you.
Sound crazy? Just take a look at the CDC’s proposed rules.
Last I checked this is America and we have a voice
Try it.
I’ll be going to jail!
Phuck off
Not happening…
Look up Artesia NM. Caregivers for bs unaccompanied minors contracted active TB from the illegals brought in illegally by the corrupt previous administration and bleeding heart liberals. Wonder how they are appreciating the illegal that destroyed wine country?
See there’s a lot wrong with what the government can force we the people into do things that against our wants and beliefs. I can say alot about what California is doing now… However I wouldn’t want to offend a lot of people. But God I want to spill my guts… Just give my opinion without offending.. I can do that my mouth has no filter. Soooooo
Population control
This just confirms all the suspicion always thought about our gov… they introduced vaccines as a good thing and as the sheep were were we continued down the road believing they were great. Well now after the years what they secretly been doing is poisoning us a little bit at a time.. because they could and we let them.. well not anymore.. if the damn liberals want open borders then what good would the shots do?
I’d have to go to jail. Never got a flu shot and NEVER had the flu. Husband always gets flu shot always gets the flu! So?