Think you at least still have sovereignty over your own body? Think again. If the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is successful in getting its proposed rules approved, you could be forced to accept vaccinations at gun point. Or be rounded up with other resisters and transported to a federal camp.
At issue here is who owns your body. CDC proposed rules answer that question definitively: the federal government. It doesn’t matter what you believe. If you refuse a mandatory vaccination, you will be considered to be a menace to public health, and the full police powers of the state will be available to deal with you.
Sound crazy? Just take a look at the CDC’s proposed rules.
K. Take care of me then cause you can stick your needles and poisons.
No weapon formed against us shall prosper . I decree Isaiah 54:17
Big Brother!!!! It’s spreading more and more. For those of you that aren’t old enough to understand, read George Orwell’s 1984. Great book to read.
Since the UN vaccinated can’t prove they don’t spread disease ,vaccinate or isolate/deport!
Where exactly in the constitution do these unelected assholes get to decide that? You want to stop disease then stop flooding our country with infected refugees and reintroducing diseases we have already wiped out.
Any different than get health insurance or go to jail?
Another course of action for the gov’t to have more control over our lives. The tyranny that our gov’t is gradually causing is the exact same thing that our forefathers broke away from to be free. For those that don’t see it, we are actually under a socialistic govt. Career politician have gotten to comfortable and it’s time to vote them out. We need a new Congress that understands the reality of working Americans.
Mark of the beast, CDC you can go to the devil.
And they can suck me.