The Center For Disease Control has just made a stunning admission that this year’s flu vaccine doesn’t work.
Looks like the vaccines this year are just straight up mercury shots. Nope, no vaccine to accompany one of the most toxic substances on the planet.
Nobody will get a refund if they have already purchased their vaccine either.
But the CDC is urging doctors to recommend a ‘cure shot’ for anyone that gets the flu.
So they don’t provide a vaccine to prevent the flu this year, but there is now an anti-viral?
Obama probably has something to do with it not working
The first shot was probably Part A of a two–part faulty or modified version of the flu shot. Part B will probably not only give you a special strain of the flu but it just might kill you too. Remember Obama supports UN Agenda 21.
Big serious warning!
Olive Leaf Extract available at Health Food Stores is non toxic and kills bacterial and virus infections. Do your own research to see if it may help you and your family .
I ve used it several times and it has helped me. I can t take any flu vaccines but have not contracted the flu. Just a suggestion. Consult a herbal specialist for more information.
lol looks like oboma at his finest.
wow….you are beyond ignorant at this point. I am unlikign this idiotic and racist page.
No telling what’s in those shots
What’s agenda 21. I won’t take any shot or meds from govt.
I know mine were not just mercury !
This is article is false.