Recently a lab scientist at CDC headquarters in Atlanta accidentally mixed a deadly strain of bird flu with another strain, then send the fatal mix to other labs in a haste, defying protocol, because he had to ‘get to a meeting’.
When one lab informed the CDC of the mistake, that they had send out a new deadly mix of bird flu, the CDC still chose not to tell anyone.
These guys are handling Ebola and writing the protocol for agencies to handle deadly diseases. Feeling safe with these guys on the job?
They prob created ebola.also
Reduce the population??????
if you trust the cdc your crazy
Nazi scientists at work!!!
He should be fired but he will most likely get a promotion and raise government at its finest
Sounds like a security protocol to me nobody can hijack the shipment and steal the sample if no one knows about until after it’s done
Who’s to say that this this isn’t the way Ebola came about ?
This guy should be fired as he knew he was working with a deadly virus and the meeting is not that important than doing your job right.
they need too be investigated for they are so inept.
Fire their asses now they are in competent.Fine them too.